
Intellij idea javascript
Intellij idea javascript

intellij idea javascript

NodeJS environment which can be downloaded from here.in case of IDEA (Ultimate version, because Community Edition doesn’t have the required JavaScript plug-in for it to work, see here) the plug-in can be downloaded from here.WebStorm comes having it already pre-installed.

intellij idea javascript

WebStorm (great for JavaScript code) or.OK, what we’ll need in this exercise is following: WebStorm 6 doesn’t offer native Karma test runner support (ver 7 which is currently in EAP, does – details here), but using a NodeJS plug-in you can execute any kind of NodeJS application (Karma included).

intellij idea javascript

Recently i had to debug few Javascript unit tests in WebStorm IDE and was wondering if it’ll be as easy of an experience as it is in case of Java and IntelliJ IDEA (where i originally come from).

Intellij idea javascript